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Open call for artist-in-residence proposals, in partnership with the CAMAC contemporary art centre of Marnay-sur-Seine

May 2017

Launch of the call for residency applications, in May 2017

May 2017

Launch of the call for residency applications, in May 2017

Upcoming – Launch of the call for residency applications, in May 2017

The Musée Camille Claudel (Nogent-sur-Seine) and CAMAC (Marnay-sur-Seine) will launch a joint call for artist-in-residence proposals in May 2017. This artist-in-residence programme is meant to encourage artistic creation, while promoting exchanges and dialogue between the invited artist and visitors to the CAMAC contemporary art centre and the Musée Camille Claudel. This first call for proposals will invite an artist-choreographer to offer his/her critical perspective on both the collections and sculptural creation.


Practical information

Place :
Camille Claudel Museum
Horaires & Tarifs :